HISP Services for MEDITECH

We have been providing Direct Messaging service to MEDITECH sites since 2014. MEDITECH systems connect to EMR Direct's HISP services using standard XDR connections built into MEDITECH, making it easy to enable integrated Direct Messaging for your EHR users. We also offer directory service, web-based addresses, and integration support for custom applications at your organization.

Thousands of health care organizations nationwide rely on EMR Direct for our DirectTrust accredited services. Our HISP software was also the first to be ONC (h)(2) certified. We offer robust, reliable service and responsive technical support.

Please enter your contact information below to request a consultation from an EMR Direct representative. We offer complimentary test ring setup for demonstration purposes so you can try before you buy. Once you're ready to proceed into production, our Customer Care team will work with you to get you up and running with Direct messaging in no time, simplifying and managing the onboarding experience so you don’t have to. Annual service fees begin at $330/year for small hospitals and $139/year for sole practitioners.